What are WKL Keyboards?

WinKeyLess Keyboards, colloquially known as WKL keyboards, represent a distinct category of mechanical keyboards that have seen a surge in popularity in recent times. These keyboards uniquely lack the Windows Key and Application key typically nestled between the left ALT and CTRL keys. The evolution of WKL keyboards can be traced back to the pre-Windows era, with keyboard manufacturers progressively integrating the Windows key into their designs. This comprehensive guide will delve into the specifics of WKL keyboards, shedding light on their advantages, various types available, and offer insights on creating and personalizing your own.

Why Choose a WKL Keyboard?

There are several reasons why people opt for WKL keyboards over their more conventional counterparts. Some of the key factors driving their popularity include:

Aesthetic Appeal

WKL keyboards offer a clean and minimalist look, thanks to the absence of the Windows key and Application key. For those who appreciate an uncluttered appearance, these keyboards can be a visually pleasing choice.

Compact Layout

By removing the Windows key and Application key, WKL keyboards provide a slightly more compact layout. This can be especially beneficial for users who prefer smaller keyboards or have limited desk space.

Prevention of Accidental Key Presses

The absence of the Windows key and Application key helps prevent accidental presses during typing or gaming sessions. This can be a significant advantage for users who find themselves frequently hitting these keys by mistake.

No Need for the Windows Key

Some users simply don’t use the Windows key and Application key in their daily computing tasks. For them, a WKL keyboard offers a practical alternative without any unnecessary keys.

Types of WKL Keyboards

Numerous WKL keyboard variants cater to diverse preferences and needs. Here’s a quick snapshot of the most prominent types:

WKL TKL Keyboards

WKL Tenkeyless (TKL) keyboards are a popular choice for those who want a compact keyboard without the number pad. They retain the essential keys while offering a smaller footprint. For a comprehensive list of the best TKL keyboards, visit this article.

60% WKL Keyboards

60% WKL keyboards push the boundaries of compactness by eliminating function, arrow, and navigation keys, along with the number pad. These keyboards are the go-to choice for users who prioritize portability and minimalism. For a more nuanced understanding of keyboard sizes, you can explore this educational article.

Other WKL Keyboard Sizes: There’s Something for Everyone

WKL keyboards also span other sizes, such as the full-size keyboards (complete with a number pad) and 40% keyboards (even more compact than the 60% ones). The size selection ultimately hinges on personal preferences and specific use scenarios.

DIY WKL Keyboard Kits for Customization Enthusiasts

Interested in customizing your keyboard? DIY WKL keyboard kits are ideal for building a personalized WKL keyboard. These kits allow you to choose every detail, from the type of switches to the keycaps, tailoring the keyboard to your specific preferences.

A great starting point is the D60 WKL Kit, which is versatile and lets you pick your own switches and keycaps. If you’re curious about more options, explore other popular options like the KBD67 WKL, Tofu65 WKL, and ID80 WKL. Each kit offers unique customization possibilities, so take your time to find the one that aligns with your needs.

Customization Options for WKL Keyboards

WKL keyboards offer a wide array of customization options that can greatly enhance their performance, feel, and appearance. Here are some key areas to consider when personalizing your WKL keyboard:


Switches form the backbone of the typing experience on a mechanical keyboard. The three main types of switches include linear, tactile, and clicky. Your switch selection should align with your typing preferences and the intended keyboard use (gaming, typing, or a combination of both).


Keycaps are another critical aspect of a keyboard’s overall look and feel. They come in various materials, such as ABS or PBT, and different profiles, including OEM, Cherry, and SA. When selecting keycaps for your WKL keyboard, consider factors like durability, aesthetics, and typing comfort.

Additional Modifications

To further enhance your WKL keyboard’s performance and feel, you can explore various modifications, such as:

  1. Stabilizers: Upgrading your stabilizers can significantly improve the overall typing experience by reducing rattling and wobbling of larger keys.
  2. Sound dampening: Adding sound dampening materials like foam or silicone inside the keyboard case can help reduce the noise produced during typing.
  3. Lubrication: Lubricating the switches and stabilizers can significantly elevate your typing experience, making it smoother and quieter, while also refining the overall keyboard feel.

The WKL Keyboard Resurgence

Despite their relatively higher price point compared to other mechanical keyboards, WKL keyboards have seen a renaissance of sorts in popularity. Several factors contribute to this resurgence, such as:

  • A growing appreciation for minimalist aesthetics and compact layouts.
  • Increased awareness of the benefits of WKL keyboards, including accidental keypress prevention.
  • The expanding mechanical keyboard community, which has helped bring WKL keyboards back into the spotlight.

As a result, WKL keyboards have carved out a niche in the market, attracting a dedicated user base that values their unique features and customizability.


WKL keyboards introduce a compelling variation to traditional mechanical keyboards. With their minimalist aesthetic, compact layout, and prevention of unintentional key presses, they cater to a niche audience that values these attributes. Exploring different WKL keyboards, DIY kits, and customization opportunities can enable you to craft the perfect keyboard that aligns with your preferences and requirements.

Whether you’re dipping your toes into the WKL keyboard world or you’re a seasoned enthusiast, this guide should equip you with valuable insights to make a knowledgeable choice. As the WKL keyboard community continues to flourish, there’s never been a more exciting time to discover and embrace this intriguing mechanical keyboard subset.