How to Use Switch Films

For keyboard enthusiasts, finding the right balance between sound, feel, and stability can be an ever-evolving journey. Entering the world of mechanical keyboards, you’re bound to come across switch films. While they may seem intimidating at first, don’t worry—I’m here to walk you through it.

The Tale of the Wobble

Before we start, it’s crucial to understand your keyboard. You might’ve noticed your switches wobbling a bit. Did you know there are two types of wobble?

Stem Wobble – This is the normal, expected back and forth motion of the switch stem.

Housing Wobble – This is where things get dicey. If the top and bottom housings of your switch are wobbling, you’ve got a problem. This is where switch films come to the rescue.

What are Switch Films?

Switch films are thin pieces of material, typically plastic or rubber, that you place between the top and bottom housings of your switches. Their mission is simple but vital: to reduce housing wobble, ensuring a more stable, better-sounding switch.

Checking the Need for Switch Films

Before you go rushing off to buy a pack of switch films, take a moment to assess if your switches even need them. This involves a simple test: hold the switch from the bottom half and give the top housing a wiggle with tweezers.

High wobble? You’ll need a thicker film. No wobble at all? Consider yourself lucky and carry on without them. If there is a moderate amount of wobble, then thin films are your best bet. Remember, the goal isn’t to eliminate all movement; it’s to keep your switches sounding and feeling good while ensuring they function properly.

Choosing and Installing Switch Films

When it comes to choosing the right film, you’ve got options. There are four main types of recommended films: TX Films, Kebo Films, Thicc Films, and Deskeys Switch Films. Each offers its unique benefits and are available from reliable retailers such as ApexKeyboards, The Kebo Store, OmegaKeys, and AlphaKeys.

Once you’ve selected your film, you’ll need to roll up your sleeves and get to work. But don’t worry – this isn’t rocket science. All you need are a few simple tools: a switch opener, tweezers, and your chosen switch films.

  1. Open the Switch: Use your switch opener to carefully open the switch.
  2. Remove the Upper Housing: Lift the upper housing from the switch using your tweezers.
  3. Align the Film: Place the film on the bottom housing, ensuring it covers the entirety of the stem, spring, and stem “shaft.”
  4. Reattach the Upper Housing: Take care to align it correctly to avoid causing new wobbles or other issues.

Give your switch a test run after installation. Remember, patience is your best friend during this process.

Enhancing Your Switch Experience

Though switch films significantly enhance your switches, you might want to take things a step further. Consider the optional process of lubing your switches. This can provide additional smoothness and an improved sound/feel. Check out these articles on the best switches for typing and the best tactile switches to learn more about this.

The Benefits of Switch Films

Switch films are more than just a solution for switch wobble. They offer several benefits that can significantly enhance your keyboard experience. Here’s what you can gain from filming your switches:

Improved Stability: Switch films, by design, reduce the housing wobble, making your keystrokes feel more stable and consistent.

Enhanced Sound: A loose switch housing can cause a metallic, clacking noise that many typists find unpleasant. By securing the housing with films, you achieve a deeper, more satisfying sound.

Personalized Feel: Like choosing the right keyboard switch, the thickness and material of the switch film can subtly change the switch’s feel. This allows for even more customization in your quest for the perfect keyboard experience.

Preventive Care: Over time, switches can loosen, leading to increased wobble and other issues. Adding films early on can help prevent these problems before they start, prolonging the life of your switches.

Remember, while switch films offer notable benefits, their effectiveness can vary depending on the type and degree of wobble in your switches. They’re not a one-size-fits-all solution, but when used correctly, they can certainly improve your keyboard experience.

To Film or Not to Film?

The keyboard community is divided when it comes to switch films. While some vouch for their stability and sound enhancements, others don’t see much difference. For a more in-depth exploration of this debate, check out this comprehensive article.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can switch films be used on any keyboard switch?
A: Switch films can be used on most mechanical keyboard switches. However, some low-profile switches and certain designs may not accommodate them due to their unique construction. Always check the specifications of your switches before purchasing films.

Q: How often should I replace my switch films?
A: With regular use, switch films typically last as long as the switches themselves. They don’t usually need replacement unless the switch is opened frequently, which can cause the films to wear out more quickly.

Q: Can I install switch films without a switch opener?
A: While it’s possible to open switches without a dedicated opener, it’s not recommended. Using a proper switch opener reduces the risk of damaging your switches during the opening process.

Q: Can I use switch films and still lube my switches?
A: Absolutely! In fact, many keyboard enthusiasts recommend doing both. Just remember to apply the lube after you’ve installed the switch film.

Q: What if I don’t like the switch films? Can I remove them?
A: Absolutely! If you decide that switch films aren’t for you, they can easily be removed. Just reverse the installation process: open the switch, remove the top housing, and carefully lift off the film.

With these FAQs in mind, remember that every keyboard and typist is unique. Experiment with your options, and discover what feels and sounds best to you. The wonderful world of mechanical keyboards is one of endless possibilities – dive in and enjoy the journey!